About me and my E-Memorio project.

Hello, my name is Leo.  I am M.Eng. and M.Sci.  My full profile is available on LinkedIn

I was born Moscow, former USSR. I graduated from Moscow institute of Electronics and mathematics (technical university) as  electrical and electronic engineer and have extensive work experience in R&D and industry including 30 years experience in project management. During my professional career I worked successfully for both state owned enterprises and private businesses.  

The idea of creating E-Memorio website came to me few years ago, because my father died and was buried in Moscow and my mother died and was buried in Saratoga Springs, USA thousands of miles away from each other. My parents had a happy marriage and lived together for 40 years and I wanted to put them to rest together in one, even virtual memorial place. Later I found that many families these days are spread around the world and have the same problem. That’s how I have got my idea and motivation for creating global memorial web portal.

I formed project team and later company MDL Star Software Ltd. All expenses, which occurred during E-Memorio project design, I paid from my pocket as the only person, who worked full time and had a salary. Students worked voluntarily with big enthusiasm in their free of study time. Due to shortage of money, we couldn’t finish our project.

I spent lots of time on trying to find sponsors or investors, who would be interested to fund our project and get in return 49% of our company equity with zero results. All campaigns on Crowdfunding websites didn’t help us to raise at least $20K for finishing E-Memorio project. Unfortunately New Zealand doesn't have well developed start-ups funding system like USA, Canada and some other countries.

My students graduated few years ago and left company. Currently I work alone on E-Memorio project. I nearly finished Front-end design and looking for funding in any form: investment, donation, sponsorship, which will allow me to hire more specialists and finish E-Memorio website. I am 100% sure in commercial success of my project due to its uniqueness. I expect that E-Memorio will become profitable from the second year of its operation.

I promise, as soon as E-Memorio project will become commercially successful business, I will pay 30% of its profits to charities for providing support to poor people for their everyday needs and medical research foundations for finding cures for terminal illnesses like Cancer, Lupus, Hepatitis, Diabetes, etc... and other most debilitating diseases

For more information please refer to my  Mission statement.

E-Memorio will be helping people and families to deal with loss of loved ones family members, relatives, friends, mates, colleagues. When people die while being on duty and responding to emergency calls or as a result of a tragic accident, natural disaster, industrial incident or terrorist attack, they all deserve to be remembered. But not every country has financial resources for creating memorials for preserving memory of deceased people, such as public monuments with engraved victims' names. In cases like that E-Memorio can become and will become a place, where everyone will be able to create memorials and virtual graves for departed people.

Every internet user is our potential customer. I am planning with maintaining our web presence to extend our services worldwide like Google, Facebook and open regional offices for coordinating delivery and quality of our complementary services to all our customers. 

We live in "money world" and have to pay for everything: opening business and web site domain name registration, web site hosting and operating costs etc. I won't be able to accomplish my mission without your help, advice, financial support, donations or sponsorship. I am ready to contribute my own money and even donate my kidney for creating and putting online E-Memorio web portal for needs of world population. Please help me to accomplish my mission and my dream to come true. 

My mother’s grave, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA.

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