In Memory of victims of Nice barbaric terrorist attack

The world mourns and will remember forever innocent civilians victims of the Nice terrorist attack
Here is a list of known victims of the Nice attack in which at least 84 people have been killed and injured 202, 52 critically; 25 remained on life support the next day. At least 10 of the dead were children or teenagers. As many injured had not immediately reached out for help, the total number of injured was on 16 July raised to 303.

1. Selma Al Khofor, 18
Al Khofor, a student from Berlin, was participating in a class trip to southern France, according to Nice-Matin. Her teacher, Saskia Schabel, and friend, Silan Aydin, were also among the victims.

2-4. Maria Grazia Ascoli, 79; Mario Casati, 90; Gianna Muset, 68; Angelo D’Agostino, 71
The Italian nationals were identified among those killed in the Bastille Day attack, the Italian Foreign ministry said according to Reuters.

5. Silan Aydin, 19
Aydin, a Berlin native, was participating in a class trip to southern France, according to Le Progrès. Her brother Harun said she wanted to become a doctor or a scientist.
“She wanted to change the world,” he told German newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

6. Mykhaylo Bazelevskyy, 22   
Bazelevskyy, originally from Ukraine, was one of five students participating in a three-week-long innovation program in Nice through the European Innovation Academy, according to a statement from MacEwan University in Edmonton, Canada.

7-8. Myriam Bellazouz, 29, and her mother, Léa Mignaçabal, 68
The Nice natives were attending the fireworks with a colleague and his family before the small group got separated, Nice-Matin reported. Bellazouz, an accomplished lawyer known for her passion and generosity, was honored by her colleagues, who laid a wreath for her and her mother on the Promenade des Anglais.

9. Alina Bogdanova, 27
Bogdanova, a Russian student at the University of Perpignan in southern France, was spending the weekend with friends in Nice, according to Le Figaro. She was completing her master’s degree at the university’s Institute of Business Administration and spent the summer interning with Airbus in Toulouse, France.

10. David Bonnet, 44
Bonnet, a father and fish farmer, attended the Bastille Day celebrations with his partner. He was the son of the first deputy mayor of Nérondes, in central France. He is survived by his 21-year-old daughter.

11-12. Rémédios Borja, 25, and her son, Joseph, 7
Borja was attending the Bastille Day celebrations with her husband, mother, and three children, according to Paris Match. Her seven-year-old son, Joseph, was also among those killed.

13. Laura Borla, 14
Borla joined the Bastille Day festivities with her twin sister and their mother before getting separated from them in the midst of the chaos, The New York Times reports. Her family learned of her death Sunday, and her 19-year-old sister Lucie posted on Facebook saying, “We miss you already; we will love you always.”

14. Adib Bousfiha, 51
Bousfiha, a native of Beaucroissant, France, was on vacation with his wife and their two children, according to France Bleu. A wheelchair user, Bousfiha was fatally struck by the truck. Though his two children survived the attack, his wife, Celine, is still missing.

15. Aldjia Bouzaouit, 42
The mother of four from Sétif, Algeria, was attending the Bastille Day fireworks with her loved ones. Her sister, Celoua, told Nice-Matin that Bouzaouit had wanted to enjoy ice cream on the Promenade.

16-18. Odile Caléo; Mathias Billiez; Jocelyne Caléo
Odile Caléo and Billiez, both teachers in Nice, went to watch the fireworks with Caléo’s mother, Jocelyne, her sister, and Odile’s three children, according to Nice-Matin. Billiez, Caléo, and her mother were killed in the attack.

19. Linda Casanova Sicardi, 54
Casanova, a Swiss citizen from Agno Ticino, was vacationing with her husband in Nice. Ivano Casanova, her brother, said she was due to return soon to Ticino, where she served as a customs expert.

20. Stéphanie Cesari, 43
Cesari, a Nice native, worked in a casino in Cannes, according to Libération. Her colleagues described her as someone who was always appreciated and joyful.

21. Hervé Chadeau, 43
Chadeau was a corporal in a Marine artillery regiment in Var, southeastern France, according to Libération. His friends described him as valiant and courageous.

22. Fatima Charrihi
Her son, Hamza, identified Charrihi as one of the first victims. He described her as an “amazing mom” who was attending the Bastille Day celebrations with her nieces and nephews. She wore the headscarf and practiced the proper Islam—the real Islam. Not the terrorists’ version.

23. Igor Chelechko, 47
A father of four of Russian descent, Chelechko moved to Nice four months ago, according to reports. Andrey Eliseev, the arch-priest of the Saint-Nicolas cathedral in Nice, described him as a “pious man.”

24-25. Magdalena Chrzanowska, 21, and Marzena Chrzanowska, 20
The sisters, originally from Krzyszkowice, Poland, were on holiday with their two sisters at the time of the attack, according to reports. Krzyszkowice Mayor Wladyslaw Dydula confirmed the surviving sisters, Dorota and Gabriella, witnessed their sisters’ deaths, though the Polish Foreign Ministry has yet to identify their nationals, pending identification of all victims.

26.Cristian Coman, 34
Coman, a Romanian tourist, was on vacation with his wife and their seven-year-old son, according to L'Alsace-Le Pays.

27-28. Sean Copeland, 51, and Brodie Copeland, 11
Copeland and his 11-year-old son, Brodie, were Americans from Austin, Texas, who were vacationing in Nice during the time of the attack.

29. Yanis Coviaux, 4
Four-year-old Yanis Coviaux was looking forward to attending the fireworks with his parents, Samira and Michael, according to Le Parisien. He had been playing with other children just moments before the truck came barreling through the crowd.

30-31. Elizabeth Cristina de Assis Ribeiro, 30, and Kayla, 6
Elizabeth Cristina de Assis Ribeiro was vacationing with her husband and three daughters from their home in Yverdon-Les-Bains, Switzerland, according to the Associated Press. Though her husband was able to pull his two younger daughters away from the oncoming truck, both de Assis Ribeiro and her six-year-old daughter, Kayla, were killed.

32-33. Lionel Deforge, 69, and Sylviane Noailland-Roux-Rault, 79
The couple, originally from Nice, had just enjoyed a meal with family before leaving to watch the Bastille Day fireworks, according to Nice-Matin.

34. Patricia Zanon Duroy
Duroy was a native of Nogent-sur-Marne, in the suburbs of eastern Paris, according to a statement from the city.

35. Roman Ekmaliyan, 56,
A Georgian of Armenian heritage, Ekmliyan lived as a businessman in Belgium, where he was an active member of the Russian Orthodox community, according to Le Dauphine. Andrey Eliseev, the chief priest at the Russian Orthodox cathedral Saint Nicolas in Nice, described him as an intelligent man who was well-versed in politics and history.

36. Rachel Erbs, 39
A mother of two from Cessieu, France, Erbs was on vacation with her family. When the truck plowed through the crowd, both parents leapt to make sure their children were out of harm’s way. Her husband, Stephane, recalled seeing his wife get hit by the truck before losing her in the chaos, according to the Associated Press.

37-40. Christiane Fabry, 67; Hugues Mismaque, 49; Bruno Villani, 42; and André Raffaelli, 17
Fabry, her partner, Mismaque, and her son, Villani, were enjoying the Bastille Day fireworks with family from their home in Puget-sur-Argens, according to Nice-Matin. Fabry’s 17-year-old grandson, André, was also among those killed, according to Corse Matin.

41. Timothé Fournier, 27
A tobacconist from Paris, Fournier died protecting his seven-months pregnant wife from the oncoming truck that drove through the crowd on Bastille Day, according to reports by Agence France-Presse.

42. Narine Gasparyan, 34
Gasparyan recently moved to Nice with her husband and their two-year-old child, according to the Armenian Foreign Ministry. She and her family had been accompanied by other Armenian families on the Promenade des Anglais. Krikor Khachatryan, an Armenian priest from Var, France, described her as “a quiet person” and “a housewife who was devoted to her family.”

43. Carla Gaveglio, 48
Gaveglio was visiting Nice with her family from Piasco, Italy, according to the Italian Foreign Ministry. She is survived by her husband, Peter, and her 14-year-old daughter, Matilda.

44. Ludivine Gomes, 25, and her brother Ludovic Rodier, 15
Gomes and Rodier, both Nice natives of Guadeloupean origin, joined their family to watch the fireworks, according to Le Monde. Though the family learned of Gomes’ death soon after the attack, they had to wait several days before Rodier was identified among those killed.

45. Emmanuel Grout, 48
Grout, who served as a deputy commissioner of the local border police, was off-duty enjoying the fireworks with his girlfriend and their daughter at the time of the attack, according to the Associated Press. In a tribute to Grout, Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi said France’s police ranks lost “a great personality.”

46. Mehdi Hachadi, 13
Mehdi was the son of Nice football referee, Brahim Hachadi, according to Le Monde. His cousin, Yasmine, described him as a “little intellectual” who enjoyed solving Rubik’s Cubes, according to reports. He had recently finished fasting for the month of Ramadan. Gilles Ermani, chairman of the Referees Committee of the French Riviera to the French Football Federation, said the boy’s twin sister is in a coma

47-48. Françoise Hattermann, 55, and her son Elouan Hattermann, 12
Hattermann, a mother of six, and her son, Elouan, were among the dead, according to Le Dauphiné Libéré. Hattermann, a professor at the Institute of Medical Education (IME), was known for her strength and openness among her colleagues. Elouan, who played hockey in the local hockey club, was described as “a cute kid” and “very friendly,” according to the club’s president, Vicky Lorans.

49-50. Olfa Bint al Suwayeh Khalfallah, 31, and Kylan Mejri, 4
Khalfallah and her son, Kylan, were waiting to watch the fireworks. Khalfallah, a Lyon native of Tunisian descent, was vacationing with her son and husband, Tahar Mejri, according to the Associated Press.

51. Romain Knecht
Knecht was identified as one of those killed in the Bastille Day attack. This will be updated when more information becomes available.

52. Rickard Kruusberg, 21
Kruusberg, a student from Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia, was spending the summer participating in an exchange program at the European Innovation Academy in Nice, according to Estonian media.

53. Bilal Labaoui, 29
The Tunisian Foreign Ministrty said Labaoui was a native of Kasserine,Tunisia. He was reportedly attending the Bastille Day celebrations with his brother, Walid.

54. Nicolas Leslie, 20
Leslie, a junior studying environmental science at the University of California, Berkeley, was studying abroad in Nice. According to a statement from the university, Leslie was one of 85 UC Berkeley students participating in a summer entrepreneurship program at the European

55-60. François Locatelli, 82; Christiane Locatelli, 78; Veronique Lion, 55; Michel Pellegrini, 28; Gisele Lion, 63; Germain Lion, 68
The Locatellis were on vacation with their daughter, Veronique Lion, their grandson, Pellegrini, and Lion’s in-laws, Gisele Lion and Germain Lion, at the time of the attack. The family of six from Herserange, in northeastern France, were killed as they returned from the Bastille Day fireworks, according to France 3.

61. Raymonde Maman, 77
The Nice native and mother of two was, according to Le Nouvel Observateur, born in Oran, Algeria. She was one of the many French citizens who returned to France after Algeria’s independence in 1962. She and her husband settled in Nice, where they “started from scratch,” her niece, Karinne Bens Corsia, told Agence France-Presse.

62. Robert Marchand, 60
Marchard was an industrial supervisor from Marcigny, a small town in eastern France, where he also served as a coach in the town’s athletic club. Louis Poncet, the Marcigny mayor, described Marchard as a “dedicated, passionate man who advanced the athletic club to the highest levels,” according to Le Journal de Saône et Loire. He is survived by his wife and their daughter.

63. Fatima Marzouk, 44
Marzouk was attending the Bastille Day fireworks with her family, according to Le Monde. Her 13-year-old nephew, Mehdi Hachadi, was also among the victims. This is not only a tragedy for the families, for the Muslim community, but it is also a tragedy for the national community, for the entirety of humanity.

64. Thérèse Michel, 72
Michel, originally from northern France, lived in Nice with her daughter, according to La Voix du Nord. She was attending the Bastille Day celebrations with her sister when the two got separated amid the chaos. She had two grandchildren.

65. Tatiana Muhamedova, 61
Muhamedova, a native of Estonia, was spending the holiday with her husband, daughter, and grandchildren, according to The Baltic Times.

66. Camille Murris, 26
Murris, a Nice native, was described by loved ones as a “bubbly young woman” who was “always smiling and ready for adventure,” according to Paris Match. She graduated from the SKEMA Business School in 2012, which held a moment of silence in her honor and paid tribute to her on Facebook, saying, “It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of Camille Murris (2012 Grande Ecole graduate) in the heinous attack in Nice on Thursday night. Our thoughts are with her family, relatives and friends.”

67. Natalia Otto
A Kazakh of Russian descent, Otto was visiting her daughter in Nice from her home in Antwerp, Belgium, according to reports. She was actively involved in the Russian Orthodox Church and taught in a parochial school in Antwerp. Andrey Eliseev, the chief priest at the Russian Orthodox cathedral Saint Nicolas in Nice, described her as a person of kindness and intelligence.

68-70. Lyubov Panchenko, 59; his daughter, Marina Panchenko, 33; and his granddaughter, Silvia Panchenko, 2
The Panchenko family from Pavlodar, in northeastern Kazakhstan, lost three generations of their family in the Bastille Day attack, according to Le Monde.

71. Zahia Rahmouni, 70
Rahmouni, originally from Constantine, Algeria, was visiting her family in Nice when they decided to watch the fireworks on the Promenade des Anglais, according to Le Figaro. She is survived by her daughter and grandson.

72. Laurence Rasteu, 46
Rasteu, an artist from Nice, was known for her love of photography, according to Le Progrès. She reportedly curated a Facebook page, titled “Seen in Nice,” where she shared her pictures. Her father, Yves-Marie Lequin, described her as a sensitive and beautiful person.

73. Mino Razafitrimo, 31
Razafitrimo, a Nice native originally from Madagascar, was with her four and six-year-old sons, Andrew and Amaury, at the time of the attack, according to Le Parisen.

74. Viktoria Savchenko, 20
The Russian national studied at the Academy of Finance in Moscow, which confirmed her death.

75. Saskia Schabel, 29
Schabel, a teacher, was leading a class trip to southern France in celebration of the end of high school exams, according to Le Nouvel Observateur. Prior to teaching German in Berlin, she studied German literature, history, and politics in Bavaria.

76- 79. Mohamed Toukabri, 58; Laurence-Nora Sahraoui, 49, and her grandchildren Léana Sahraoui, 2, and Yanis Sahraoui, 8
Sahraoui spent Bastille Day enjoying a picnic on the beach with her two grandchildren, Léana and Yanis, in anticipation for the evening fireworks, according to Le Parisien. A school kitchen worker, her family described Sahraoui as “a saint” who was always present for her family.
Sahraoui and her grandchildren were not the only members of her family to die in the attack. An uncle, Mohamed Toukabri, was found further up the street. Toukebri worked as a mechanic in Nice, according to a statement by the Tunisian Foreign Ministry

80. Amie V., 12
The 12-year-old was the daughter of a journalist at the Nice-based magazine Ressources. The publication posted a tribute to Amie on its Facebook page, saying, “One of our close collaborators, journalist, and editorial secretary lost her 12-year-old daughter in yesterday's attack. Our team is in shock. The words we are supposed to be specialists in are suddenly emptied of meaning. Thierry, we are wholeheartedly with you. RIP Amie”

81. Marie-Pierre Viale, 57
Viale, a singer, was a soprano in her local choir, Voices of Nice, according to France Bleu. In a tribute to her on Facebook, the choir wrote, “Our friend, we will never forget you.”

82. Jacqueline Wurtlin, 64
Wurtlin, originally from Limoges, France, moved to southern France 15 years ago. A mother of three children and a grandmother of two, she previously worked in the restaurant industry and in a photography store, according to Le Populaire.



Deepest condolences to the families , who lost their loved ones

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