Mission Statement

Our mission is to be the largest Global Memorial website for people, who are dealing with loss by providing a place where they can create religiously sensitive online memorials and virtual graves for their diseased or missing loved ones in collaboration with family members, relatives, friends and colleagues from all over the world by contributing content; like, for example, pictures, videos, as well as a virtual biography that documents the loved one’s life from birth to death for sharing their Grievance, Remembrance, Life Celebration of the loved ones and preserving all these memorial content for future generations.

In order to be “All in one place” website I am planning on providing the widest range of free online and premium off line complimentary services. My plan is to subcontract these services to reputable companies in the area where these services are concerned.

Examples of such services will include but not be limited to:

1. Putting real flowers at headstones and memorials.

2. Landscaping and looking after the graves' sites.

3. Maintenance of headstones and monuments, fences, gates and benches for a fee. 

4. Taking grave-site photos.

5. Ordering prayers at churches, synagogues, mosques, temples and all other religious establishments around the world depending on the religion of choice in memory of the loved one.

6. Printing books, calendars, photo albums and making CDs, DVDs and flash drives with memorial content. 

7. Providing direct links to the most reputable service providers such as headstones and memorials makers companies, funeral directors and homes, cemeteries and crematoriums, insurance agencies, event’s organizers for commemoration of passed away loved ones  and much more…

I am going to create unique and modern with intuitive user friendly interface website for providing the Best possible services for people, who lost their loved ones.  

The website, which will provide free of charge online services for all our customers and make them available and accessible worldwide on any mobile device.

Today all Memorial web sites have subscription fee or provide their services based on following arrangement:

“Create it for free – Keep it for Fee”  

I am planning to put all expenses related to running web site on everyday basis on service providers and advertisers as a small charge similar to Facebook and Goggle but much less for each finished order received via E-Memorio instead of  already stressed and devastated by loss people. This is main difference between E-Memorio and similar web sites.

I need funds in order to create this website, put it online and operate it as any other business.

If you like my idea and would like to help me for implementing it, please help me to get funding. 

I will be happy to cooperate with any individual or company.

Please feel free to contact me.

My future plans include creating online public memorials for the innocent victims of the most terrific mass murdering, terrorists attacks, natural and all other tragic disasters.

Please donate generously and help me to design and put online E-Memorio Website Project for your loved ones, who passed away or gone missing.

Please contact me with any questions and I will be happy to provide you all necessary information.

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