Fundraising for E-Memorio website

Today families are spread around the world. More than half a billion people live in foreign countries and this figure will be increasing each year due to global political and economic situation. Every day approximately 153,424.70 people die and hundreds of thousands people go missing each year worldwide.

In any religion, belief system and culture death, funerals, grieving and commemorations are the most important family events and not attending them is considered as a big offense to the diseased family.

In some religions and cultures it is important to arrange for the burial as soon as possible (within 24 hours in the case of Jewish, Muslim or Hindu burial). In certain cases where due to geographical location or other reasons, it's not impossible for family members and relatives to attend the funeral on time, that’s where E-Memorio comes in and bridges the gap by at least providing a virtual venue where family members can attend the funeral, which is a service in vital need to these people.

Sponsoring E-Memorio website project for deceased or missing loved people will allow creating a new generation of Memorial web site and attracting billions of clients from all continents and countries.

E-Memorio will be far more ahead of similar websites. Customers with just few mouse clicks will get access to real - not virtual - services through sub-contractors websites links. They will be able to put real flowers and real candles to the grave of loved ones, clean headstones, cut grass, repair fences and monuments, order CDs-DVDs and books with photos and stories, engrave loved ones names in metal, write it on shirts and cups, get capsules with soil from deceased person mother-land or grave site, organize celebrations and mark anniversary events, write Will statements, get grief counseling and support services, order prays at religious establishments at share their grief and sadness in online forums and communities and much more…

I am planning to connect all real services providers to Google maps. In cases of events organizing for people living in different countries I would like to add such services like booking tickets and hotels rooms reservations, organizing tours for events visitors and make all these information available and easy accessible on any mobile devices.

E-Memorio will allow families to keep in touch with relatives, friends and colleagues, organize memorial events and celebrations and contact service providers for taking care of the loved ones grave sites or last homes.

This is the great way to pay tribute to memory of departed or missing people by creating online memorials and sharing their content with the rest of the world at one convenient online location: E-Memorio web portal.

Online memorials bring together families, friends, colleagues, mates and strangers in community of grief.

Please refer to my previous pages for full and detailed information about proposed project.

Facebook for departed people project
Features of free and complimentary services 
Mission Statement 

The idea of creating E-Memorio website came to me few years ago, because my father died and was buried in Moscow, Russia and my mother died and was buried in Saratoga Springs, USA thousands of miles away from each other. My parents had happy marriage for 40 years and I wanted to put them to rest together in one, even virtual memorial place. Later I found that many families these days are spread around the world and have the same problem. That’s how I have got my idea and motivation for creating global memorial web portal.

All our project design work was done from scratch based on my original idea by young and talented university students and graduates on a voluntary basis in their free time.

Our E-Memorio project team members were IT and E-commerce professionals, who originated from different countries and symbolically belonged to all six major world religions.

All initial expenses I paid from my pocket as the only one person, who worked and had a salary.

I tried all possible ways to raise funds for finishing project design and launching it online including running campaigns on crowd-funding websites and referring to NZ Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. All my attempts were unsuccessful. Unfortunately we couldn’t get enough money for implementing our project, when it was 90% ready. As a result of funding shortage as a company director I had to cease company activity.

I created this blog and hope with your interest and help to get funding for implementing the dream of my life - creating E-Memorio web portal, which will be providing essential global memorial services for world population.

The aim of our project is also promoting human values, cross-border cooperation between people and countries, which belong to different religions and cultures; religious, racial and ethical tolerance and equity for all human being; building together a new integrated and peaceful global XXI century society.

To fulfill our goal of being the one, online center for commemorating, celebrating, and preserving the lives of our loved ones, we kindly ask if you or anyone you may know would be willing for sponsoring our E-Memorio project to create an important global service for world population that resonates with people religiously, spiritually, and emotionally.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

I personally appeal to your humanity, generosity, your hearts and your souls.

Please, help us to implement our global E-Memorio project for the sake of our families, our children, our planet and future generations.

All collected money will be returned back, if the goal of $50K will not be achieved.

E-Memorio Fundraising Campaign 

                                                   ABC Fundraising®

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