September 9/11 Terrorist Attacks Victims Memorial

World Remembers the Victims of vicious terrorist attacks

My deepest sympathies to those who lost loved ones in this awful tragedy. May God give you the comfort and peace that you seek and may the soul of your loved one rest in peace

The attacks resulted in the deaths of 2,996 people, including the 19 hijackers. The 2,977 victims included 246 on the four planes (from which there were no survivors), 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon. Nearly all of those who perished were civilians with the exceptions of 72 law enforcement officers, 343 firefighters, and 55 military personnel who died in the attacks. The attacks of September 11, 2001, marked it the worst terrorist attack in world history and the deadliest foreign attack on American soil. Weeks after the attack, the death toll was estimated to be over 6,000, more than twice the number of deaths eventually confirmed. The city was only able to identify remains for about 1,600 of the World Trade Center victims. The medical examiner's office collected “about 10,000 unidentified bone and bone fragments that cannot be matched to the list of the dead". More human remains were recovered in 2006 and in 2010 bringing the total found to 1,845. DNA profiling continued in an attempt to identify additional victims. On March 20, 2015, the 1,640th victim was identified. There are still 1,113 victims who have not been identified. Hundreds of thousands of tons of toxic debris containing more than 2,500 contaminants, including known carcinogens, were spread across Lower Manhattan due to the collapse of the Twin Towers. Exposure to the toxins in the debris is alleged to have contributed to fatal or debilitating illnesses among people who were at ground zero. Health effects extended to residents, students, and office workers of Lower Manhattan and nearby Chinatown. Several deaths have been linked to the toxic dust, and the victims' names were included in the World Trade Center memorial

Approximately 18,000 people have been estimated to have developed illnesses as a result of the toxic dust. 

Emergency workers killed in the September 9/11 terrorists attacks
This link lists all those emergency workers who died while fulfilling their duties at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001

Port Authority Police.
They were the first law enforcement personnel to respond to the terrorist attacks, quickly rushed into the burning buildings and helped to rescue thousands of employees. Some of them climbed high up into the burning towers to assist those who were seriously injured or trapped.  
Thirty-seven of these heroic men and women were killed that day. 

National law enforcement police officers
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 caused more law enforcement line of duty of deaths than any other single incident in American history. One officer was killed when united flight 93 crashed into a field in Shanksvia Pennsylvania as he and other passengers attempted to regain control of the plane from the hijackers. 71 officers were killed when the two World Trade Center buildings collapsed in New York City. Dozens more have passed away in the years following 2001 as the direct result of illnesses contracted while working in the hazardous conditions immediately following the attacks in New York. We pay tribute to the law enforcement officers, representing 10 different agencies, who died as a direct result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
72 National law enforcement police officers 9/11 Fallen Heroes

New York City Fire Department
On September 11, American Airlines Flight 11 crash into the North Tower of the World Trade Center 121 engine companies, 62 ladder companies and 27 fire officers were deployed to the scene. All off-duty firefighters were recalled — the first time the FDNY had issued a total recall in over 30 years. In addition to the regular fire apparatus and personnel assigned to the incident, the FDNY also deployed its only Haz-Mat unit, its mobile command center, its field communications unit, all its five rescue units, both of its high-rise units, six of its seven squad units, and one of its two tactical support units.
    343 firefighters lost their lives in September 9/11 terrorist attacks

Emergency medical technicians and paramedics.
Eight emergency medical technicians and paramedics from private emergency medical services lost their lives while responding to the World Trade Center.
  The names of these perished Heroes

9/11 by the Numbers
  • The victims ranged in age from two to 85 years
  • Age of the greatest number who died: between 35 and 39
  • Estimated number of New Yorkers suffering from post-traumatic-stress disorder as a result of 9/11: 422,000
  • Number of WTC companies in the towers that lost people: 128
  • Number of employees who died in Tower One: 1,402
  • Number of employees who died in Tower Two: 614
  • Number of employees lost at Cantor Fitzgerald: 658
  • Number of U.S. troops killed in Operation Enduring Freedom: 2,343
  • Number of nations whose citizens were killed in attacks: 115
  • Ratio of men to women who died: 3:1
  • Age of the greatest number who died: between 35 and 39
  • Bodies found "intact": 291
  • Remains found: 21,906
  • Number of families who got no remains: 1,717
  • Number of people who lost a spouse or partner in the attacks: 1,609
  • Estimated number of children who lost a parent: 3,051
  • Economic loss to New York in month following the attacks: $105 billion
  • Estimated cost of cleanup: $600 million
  • Estimated amount donated to 9/11 charities: $1.4 billion
  • Estimated amount of insurance paid worldwide related to 9/11: $40.2 billion
  • Estimated amount of money raised for funds dedicated to NYPD and FDNY families: $500 million

The 403 Names Of Missing And Killed Members Of New York City's Uniformed Services

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