Funeral homes, crematoriums and cemeteries in world major countries.

  United States of America, population: 320,083,000


Death in America is a $25 billions a year industry. That includes funeral homes, crematoriums, and cemeteries, but excludes related costs such as headstones and crypts. It is expensive to die in the United States. The average traditional funeral could cost upwards of $10,000. Cremation costs are 30% typically lower than traditional burial costs. Around 2.6 millions people die in USA each year.


More than half of Americans choose cremation as their means of handling the remains of loved ones. You can present a dignified celebration of your own or a loved one’s life, without exposing yourself to the financial strain imposed by expensive traditional burials. All major religions accept cremation as a perfectly fine form of disposition apart from Orthodox Judaism and Islam that prohibit cremation and then Hinduism requires cremation.


Links to funeral services:
1.Directory of Funeral Homes and Services 
2.Funeral Homes, Mortuaries& Cremation Providers

  Canada, population: 34,482,779

Funerals are a billion dollar a year industry in Canada. An American-owned funeral chain is claiming an ever-growing share of that market. Around 360,000 Canadians die each year.

Funerals are often the third largest purchase most Canadians will make. They are notoriously expensive. To fight exorbitant prices, memorial societies have sprung up in every province across the country. People who join want simple, affordable services. For $10, you can fill out a form indicating what you want in the way of a service when you die. Ultimately, we have to treat the death care industry like any other business — ask questions and shop around. 

Links to funeral services:

Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom, population: 64,105,654

The UK funeral market is currently estimated to be worth around £1billion annually, with over 600,000 funerals taking place each year: The UK funeral market has two major players, Co-Operative Funeral Care and Dignity, who together conduct about a third of all British funerals. The rest are mostly enacted by local, family-run firms, although many of these have become franchises of the big two.

On average, the price of a typical funeral, including non-discretionary fees and a burial or cremation, is £3,456.

Links to funeral services:
2. Directory of UK Funeral Directors& Undertakers

  Australia, population: 24,059,784

Every year approximately 150,000 people die in Australia. Funerals can cost from $4000 for a basic cremation to around $14,000 for a more elaborate casket, burial and flowers.

Links to funeral services:
2.Funeral Home Locations

  New Zealand, population: 4,565,400

31,063 deaths were registered in New Zealand in 2014. The average cost for a funeral is around $8,000 - $10,000.

Links to funeral services:


  France, population: 65,821,885

Each year more than half a million people die in France. Funeral ceremony can be secular and conducted by a funeral director, or religious and take place at a place of worship. After a death, the family have up to six working days (not including weekends or public holidays) to decide whether the deceased should have a cremation or burial.

  Germany, population: 81,729,000

Each year about 1million deaths registered in Germany. The costs of funerals can be up to €8,000. It's a standing joke that "you can't afford to die." The most noticeable trend these days is toward cremation, which saves the expense of embalming. The urns in which the ashes are placed are usually less costly than a casket.

State-operated crematoriums are strategically situated around the country, and a small but growing number of funeral homes now may also perform this function. The funeral industry claims it can do the job at less cost while also providing the customer with more personal service.

Links to funeral service:
1.Die TopLinks
2.Cemeteries Deutschland

   Russia, population: 142,914,146

About 2 million people die in Russia Federation last year. Funeral services in Russia handled by cemeteries, crematoriums and organized by Funeral service agencies (Russian: Ритуальные услуги, похоронные БЮРО). 

The cost of the funerals varies depending on geographical location. In big cities like Moscow and Sankt- Petersburg it can be about 33,000 rubles in national currency.

Links to funeral service: 

  A life that touches others goes on forever.                          

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