Funerals photos, sounds and video recording

Life goes in cycles. The birth, wedding and death are the most important moments of life for every family. It’s quite popular these days for many people to take pictures and make video recording of the major life events and keep them in family archives.

A video and sound recording or still photographs at the funeral is an opportunity to capture special memories and recall moments of pride and delight in the life of the deceased. The recording can be on DVD or BluRay Disk. This video recording and photos becomes a Virtual Monument for future generations. 

It can be shared with relatives, friends and colleagues. The loss of a loved one will turn into a lasting record of memories. 

Using specialized software photos can be turned in amazing slides –shows, which can be vied any time on PC or TV screen. Copies of videos can be sent to relatives and other closed to deceased families’ people, who were unable to attend the funeral in person due to different reasons.  

Many Funeral homes can offer photographers for taking pictures at the Funerals as part of their service. You can also find professionals and companies specializing in taking still pictures and Funerals video recording at photo and video studios by browsing the Internet or looking at local newspapers and business phone directories.

Below you can find a list of some companies with good reputation of its high quality work, which are leading service providers in area of still photo taking and Funerals sounds and video recording. They located in different countries some of them operate nationwide, others-worldwide.  

They can always give you a prompt quote and good advice taking into consideration all your needs and personal circumstances.  


Funeral Video Australia



     The Photographer's Studio & Laboratory, Wanaka, New Zealand

Funeral Audio Recording


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