Monday 27 July 2015

Facebook for Departed People for World's Major Religions.

It is natural to grieve the loss of family members and others that we knew, as we adjust to living without their presence and missing them as part of our lives. The death of a loved one, or even someone we were not close to, is terribly painful event.

Global Online Memorials project E-Memorio is a common virtual place to everyone for Grievance, Remembrance and Sharing memories of loved ones, who passed away with relatives, friends, classmates, colleagues and other people, who knew deceased, all over the world and bringing all necessary services in one place.

In all world religions death is considered as the close of a human life on earth, and the rituals and beliefs linked to death and funeral are an important way for the family and friends of the deceased to express their grief and acknowledge the passing. It is often seen as an opportunity to celebrate somebody's life and mark their transition to another life or stage, whatever that may be.

                E-Christian Memorials 
             E-Muslim Memorials
                  E-Jewish Memorials
             E-Buddhist Memorials

             E-Hinduism Memorials

              E-Sikhism Memorials

                  E-Memorials with no religious affiliation

                          Gone but not Forgotten.

always in our memories forever in our hearts.

toujours dans nos mémoires pour toujours dans nos cœurs

immer in unseren Erinnerungen für immer in unseren Herzen

всегда в нашей памяти навсегда в наших сердцах.

Siempre en nuestra memoria para siempre en nuestros corazones.

دائما في ذاكرتنا إلى الأبد في قلوبنا

תמיד בזיכרוננו לעד בליבנו


Mission statement and Future plans

E-memorio Feature Video 

The Death doesn’t have nationality or ethnicity.
We cannot bring the old days back

When we were all together
The family chain is broken now
But memories live forever

The mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death.